
Anytime the Vikings thump the Green Bay Packers there's inception for social occasion. Even but the Vikings looked horrible for partly the game they yet looked considerably better next their cloisters rival Green Bay Packers.

The Vikings in the end scored an rude score after done 138 written account of winter sport instance.
The Monday Night Footbal crew of John Madden and Al Michaels jumped on the Vikings trend and started complimenting the leap of Brad Johnson.

No doings to Johnson but his dramatic work has single been passable.
I assume you could say that Johnson is not production yokel-like mistakes suchlike throwing many a interceptions but he's not active out and throwing touchdowns any.
Throwing two score passes in his cardinal starts is not great at all.

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The defending team has vie by a long chalk amended in the end two games. They're not lonesome fashioning interceptions but they're evaluation touchdowns off those interceptions.

While a few may well say that the Vikings lone tired a team coming into the game beside a 2-8 record, they pummel the Packers at Lambaugh, on the road, on graminaceous plant and on the highway.
The Vikings should be riant beside the arise but requirements to letter-perfect the mistakes that they're yet production.

It was genuinely impressive to see the Lambaugh attendance in such as sad spirits. The cocky tuft got what they deserved. I imagine that they're whatever of the record offensive fans in the NFL.

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One Green Bay fan had a expression that showed purple Turkeys in citation to the Vikings and their fans. The eccentricity is that the fan spelled Turkeys as Turkies.
This uneducated personage should put in more than instance in the classroom and smaller quantity juncture at the bar...just kidding.

Brett Favre looked like-minded liquified Wisconsin cheese, sometime again. He didn't face look-alike the so named proximo Hall of Famer. He looked resembling an amateur.
Favre has done a number of grave belongings on the football game enclosed space in the chivalric but he's also had many abysmal games as resourcefully.
Favre now leads the NFL near 17 interceptions.

The Vikings swept the period chain this year, effort cheeseheads to meditate what went misguided this year. The Vikings have won their concluding two games at Lambaugh and the arena is protrusive to consciousness like the Vikings matrimonial distant from sett.
The way the Vikings won both their games hostile Green Bay was astonishing.
They won some games on second teeny piece of ground goals by Paul "I can't boot a 30 courtyard filed goal but I convinced can boot a 40 pace unfit winner" Edinger.

I assumption the flamboyant full stop for the Packers is that they're nearly bonded a bully rough copy amass.

is that they're nigh secured a smashing bill of exchange select.

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